Chinese Medicine


Chinese Medicine

      China is one of the most developed countries in the world where robots can make operations on teeth, where drones check the temperature of people outside in the masks as it can find the right person by their eyes. Also China never forgets about its traditions and amazing culture. Check your temperature before joining the CasinoChan and we are going to share some interesting information about traditional chinese medicine.



    Chinese traditional medicine, also known as TCM, is a system of medicine that has been used for over 2,000 years. TCM is based on the belief that the human body is a microcosm of the universe, and that it is in harmony with the natural world. TCM practitioners use a variety of techniques to restore balance and harmony within the body. TCM is based on the theory of yin and yang. 

      Yin and yang are opposite but complementary forces that make up the universe. Everything in the universe is believed to be in a state of constant flux, with yin and yang constantly interacting and influencing each other. Illness is seen as a result of an imbalance of yin and yang within the body. 

Main Goals

Main Goals

      The goal of TCM is to restore balance and harmony within the body by using a variety of techniques, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and dietary therapy. Acupuncture is a technique in which thin needles are inserted into the body at specific points. These points are believed to be located along energy pathways, or meridians, that run throughout the body. The needles are used to stimulate the flow of energy, or qi, along these meridians. 

       Herbal medicine is another cornerstone of TCM. Herbal remedies are custom-made for each individual, based on their specific needs and constitution. Herbs are often combined together in formulas to create a synergistic effect. Dietary therapy is also an important part of TCM. What a person eats is thought to have a direct impact on their health. 

       TCM practitioners believe that certain foods can help to restore balance within the body and promote health. TCM is a comprehensive system of medicine that takes a holistic approach to health. It is based on the belief that the human body is a microcosm of the universe, and that it is in harmony with the natural world. TCM practitioners use a variety of techniques, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, and dietary therapy, to restore balance and harmony within the body.

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